Safer Internet Together

Safer Internet Together

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Useful links and sources

When surfing on the Web, we generally have optimistic expectations and we rarely think of something bad that can happen. And in most cases nothing bad ever happens! But what do you do if it does happen? In this post we have collected some basic info you might find interesting. Have a quick look at the following links to know how exactly they can help you.

In Finland: 

The Finnish Safer Internet Centre is a joint project of three significant partners Finnish Centre for Media Education andAudiovisual Media, Save the Children Finland and Mannerheim League for ChildWelfare. These organizations have the most visible role in Finland in the discussions related to the internet safety, media education and children’s safety related to the digital media.

Several helplines are working for you 24/7:

Nettivihje hotline - Here you can report content of use of the Internet that is suspected to be illegal. The hotline analyses the reported websites and if the content is considered as illegal, it traces where the website appears to be located and then passes the information to the relevant stakeholders in that country for further action. The hotline will also inform the national law enforcement agency, if the website of concern is based in Finland.

Child and Youth Phone helpline. Helpline activities are based on two well-known national general helplines: The Child and Youth Phone and the Parent Phone.

Other sources:

A real Internet bus Netti-Nysse is touring around the streets of Tampere! You can learn basic IT skills free of charge on the bus.

Creating a Better Internet for Kids is one of the priorities of the Digital Agenda for Europe 2020. Check out the strategy and what is being done on the EU level here.

Insafe is the main European network of Awareness Centres promoting safe, responsible use of the Internet and mobile devices to young people. On the Insafe portal you can find a large amount of data on online safety issues. Check it out for handouts, books and other useful data compiled and designed especially for children, parents and teachers. The network is constituted by 30 national Safer Internet Centres. Every national Centre implements awareness and educational campaigns, runs a helpline, and works closely with youth to ensure an evidence-based, multi-stakeholder approach to creating a better internet.  

Basic Internet Safety is a great portal containing different sort of data from general tips on various issues of the Internet use to articles, presentations, handouts, video, and other teaching material.

And, finally, our Project is launched in view of the Safer Internet Day held on 11 February 2014. There is a whole bunch of activities planned on this day.

Stay safe online and follow our updates, something fun is coming soon!!! :D

 Safer Internet Day 2014

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